Positive Discipline is an approach – not a set of prescribed actions
Positive Discipline is a 5 week course for parents of ages 0-19 years
Positive Discipline was developed by Dr. Joan Durrant, PhD, a leading researcher on positive discipline and brain development.
Positive Discipline guides parents to look beyond children’s behaviour to the thoughts and feelings behind it
This program is unique because it promotes parenting strategies that foster children’s learning so that their behaviour gradually becomes motivated by their own understanding, rather than by external controls
Positive Discipine was developed as a response to the recommendations of the United Nations World Report on Violence
against Children and is a component of Save the Children International. This program is intended for parents of children of all
ages as it looks at "Ages and Stages" from birth to 20 years old, so that parents can understand how the warmth and structure given
when their children are very young supports the warmth and structure needed as the child matures.
Learn to view the world through children's perceptions.