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Attachment Parenting Older Children, Tweens and Teens


Attachment parenting is a life long parenting philosophy. A respectful parenting style can continue beyond the baby and toddler years of babycarrying, breastfeeding and co-sleeping. As the physical contact between parent and child lessons, the main connection is now in building communication, empathy and problem solving skills between parent and child, as well as family traditions and having fun together.


How to Attachment Parent Older Children by Applying the 8 Ideals


Prepare for Parenting

Understand and seek out information on development. Know the social, emotional, cognitive and physical limitations of your child at each stage of childhood. Learn about how the brain develops and effective, respectful parenting for each stage of parenting preschoolers, school-agers, teens, and emerging adults.

Feed with Love and Respect

Avoid power struggles at meal times. Understand the feeding relationship and the different roles of parents and children.

Respond with Sensitivity

Avoid ignoring your child even when you are feeling angry. Use time-in. She needs hugs, encouragement, and comfort in times of distress just as she did as a baby. Get yourself calm, then get your child calm, then solve the problem. Learn empathic listening skills which are more required the older your child gets.

Use Nurturing Touch

Keep up loving non-sexual touch such as hugs, cuddles, holding hands, shoulder pats, and sitting together.

Ensure Safe Sleep Emotionally and Physically

Continue family bedrooms even in the school-age years if it works for all family members. Problem-solve bedtime issues. Be open to unique arrangements.

Provide Consistent and loving care

Aim for consistency at least 70% of the time. We are human and not 100% perfect!

Practice Positive Discipline

Use distraction, modelling, childproofing, I-statements, active listening, and problem-solving. Have more family meetings as your child gets older. Avoid all "punishment-lite" methods such as time-out, grounding, with-drawel of privileges, and taking things away. Resolve conflicts respectfully as you would with any other person.

Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life

Find time to meet your varied needs at the same time as your childs. You are important too!


School Children Ages 6 - 12 years

NEW! Childproofing for Older Children

Family Game Night Survival Tips and Strategies

NEW! Getting Ready for a New School Year - Tips and Strategies

NEW! How to Motivate a Child to do Their Homework

NEW! Hate Homework? Send this "Opt Out of Homework" Letter to School

Mutual Respect

Your School-Aged Child's Development Step by Step

The Problems with Punishments and Rewards

Teenagers Ages 13 - 19 years

Top Ten Reasons to take a Parenting Class

When Consequences Don’t Work

Suggestion and Ideas for Getting More Co-operation and Less Power Struggles

Author Book Recommendations on How to Attachment Parent Older Children

In Alphabetical Order

Judy Arnall

Joan Durrant

Alfie Kohn

Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Laura Markham

Jane Nelson

Gordon Neufeld

William and Martha Sears

Best Parenting Programs for Attachment Parenting Older Children

In Alphabetical Order

Positive Discipline (Nelson)

Gordon Training

Non-Violent Communication

P.E.T. Parent Effectiveness Training

Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting

Terrific Toddlers