Would you like to be a Certified Attachment Parenting Practitioner in your specialized field? You can apply to our board for certification.
Many parents are seeking out dental professionals, teachers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, life coaches, and sleep experts that are informed in attachment parenting theory and practices. You can display your certified knowledge in the science, theory and practice of attachment parenting with a certificate and website/print badges of attaining the CAPP designation.
Suggested courses:
The Brain Story, a 20 hour, free course, by Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
Terrific Toddlers, by Alberta Health Services
The Growing Brain 0-5 years, by ZeroToThree Organization
1. Understand the Bowlby-Ainsworth Theory of Attachment
2. Understand the basic parts of the brain and how the brain develops in childhood
4. Understand and endorse the benefits of flexible sleep arrangements and night-time parenting
5. Understand and endorse non-punitive discipline and behaviour guidance
Please allow 4 weeks for processing and approval time.
We accept payment by cheque (please make cheque out to Attachment Parenting Canada Association, or e-transfer to attachmentparentingcanada@gmail.com
You can also pay by Paypal
Welcome to our community of professional attachment parenting practitioners.