Attachment parenting babies, toddlers, preschoolers, school-aged, and teenager children is a natural, instinctive approach to parenting and MAY involve breastfeeding, babywearing, and co-sleeping, BUT definitely embraces respectful communication, non-punitive guidance of behaviour, and a warm and nurturing, structured, parenting style, that includes nurturing, attentive response to both children's and parents' needs at the same time. It's a family-centerd parenting approach based on mutual respect between all family members.
Peace in the world begins in the home. Healthy, respectful, peaceful, nurturing, kind, supported and educated families are the building blocks of a healthy and peaceful society.
We are a non-profit organization of parents and professionals dedicated to providing parents, caregivers, and organizations, support for their parenting practices and services, validation for their parenting choices and current evidence-based information in order to make the best decisions for their parenting practices. Our information is provided through print, online, classes, articles, books and speakers for parents, caregivers and organizations.
It takes a village,
To cherish a parent
To nurture a child.